People drumming in a square


For the benefit of everyone in North East Lincolnshire

Create North East Lincolnshire links creativity, heritage and community by highlighting positive impacts the creative sector has on the area.

We champion the sector by creating opportunities and supporting development in creative careers, whilst helping businesses to grow, for the benefit of everyone in North East Lincolnshire.

Group of people standing by mural of a haddock

Meet the team behind Create North East Lincolnshire who champion and advocate for creativity and heritage locally.

Some people practicing a dance on a beach

Our creativity strategy outlines a 5-year framework and sets out key ambitions. Also, meet our Creativity Board, whose role is to deliver the creativity strategy.

Grimsby Creates will always be where we started, let’s take a look back on past achievements of creativity and heritage in North East Lincolnshire

Lake and trees in People's Park Grimsby

Central to the Creativity Strategy is a sustainable focus on landscape and connection to nature.

We will continue to deliver activity in parks, open spaces and other natural assets to highlight the world class natural heritage on our doorstep.

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